We're very excited for the progress made
David, Michelle, Anna, Lily, Sarah & friends have created the most basic feature set to technically support a store
While we continue improving our feature set, it is also technically possible to self host for blogs, products & soon events & more
A purchase attempt creates a stripe_link, and redirects the user there for payment processing
The user is redirected to /receipt with the order summary
Stripe sends a weebhook, and we use Sendgrid to send an email notification
The seller can contact the user over email, and follow up to request additional information or deliver shipment updates
Self hosting allows you to have total control and visibility over the running code, and include any additional consideration for compliance and your workflows
The code runs in any developer laptop, and be even be used inside a VPN, or LAN, and used only temporarily. As an event producer, is a quick solution to provide your vendors, even at music festivals without outernet access or custom currency
We try to make it easy, and want to grow a supportive community where you can find detailed instructions, common workflows, other integrations, and a variety of templates
The application API, and templates should be easy to run in your laptop, and easy to translate to any cloud provider
We recommend Digital Ocean because they have been good friends, and we're hosting our instances there, we strongly believe they can handle any load and offer fair rates
Checkout the Github links and [Contribute] guide for details