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Markkët Manifesto

Markkët Manifesto

Updated: at 09:09 PM

The Social Contract & Code of Conduct

At Markketplace, we believe that our strength is our community

This Social Contract outlines our shared responsibilities, values, and commitments,

We can refer to it when mediating disputes

We must be proactive to address, and enforce


No nos distraemos en materias ajenas al beneficio de la comunidad





1. Be Kind & Empathetic, assume good intent

2. Honesty, assume and receive integrity

3. Collaborate

4. Welcome Feedback

6. Persevere

8. Protect Life, Diversity, and the Environment

9. Promote Peace & Mediation

Community Guidelines

Respect Boundaries

Build Constructively

Take Ownership

Ask for Help

Follow Licensing Rules: Respect the open-source licenses and agreements,

and individual's artists rights and trademark

Keep It Professional

Nuestra Apuesta por la Vida

Markkët was born in the mountains of Colombia, where abundance overflows

Embrace magic
